Welcome to ABZ Agro Limited, one of the leading agro business companies which deals with quality seeds, pesticides, micro nutrients, PGR, fertilizers, feed, veterinary medicines, aquaculture and aqua products. Its Research and Development centre has explored various hybrid and high yielding variety seeds through production, processing, quality control, breeding and transformation. ABZ Agro Ltd. has delivered the best of science towards enhanced farm productivity and ensuring food and nutritional security. High quality imported hybrid seeds are increasing crop productivity to facilitate the demand of growing population.
Welcome to ABZ Agro Limited, one of the leading agro business companies which deals with quality seeds, pesticides, micro nutrients, PGR, fertilizers, feed, veterinary medicines, aquaculture and aqua products. Its Research and Development centre has explored various hybrid and high yielding variety seeds through production, processing, quality control, breeding and transformation. ABZ Agro Ltd. has delivered the best of science towards enhanced farm productivity and ensuring food and nutritional security. High quality imported hybrid seeds are increasing crop productivity to facilitate the demand of growing population.
Agriculture plays an important role in Bangladesh’s economy. In modern agricultural science, seeds, pesticides, micro-nutrients, PGR, fertilizers, feed, veterinary medicines, aquaculture, and aqua products are equally significant in agriculture. ABZ Agro Ltd. is rendering sustainable agricultural output in Bangladesh. The Company has its own Research and Development center in Gazipur where a group of dedicated professionals is working to innovate new and ensure quality products for the farmers.
To sustain the company into efficient farmers focused institution with good corporate governance structure to retain its position as one of the leading agro business companies by continuously innovating and products quality.
To retain as on one the best business organization in terms of efficiency, sound management and serve mankind providing high quality products to the farmers and also to ensure food safety for our country.
Scientific delivery of quality products, provide all services and assure highest possible benefits for farmers. Fulfilling promises, providing affordable quality agro products solutions, delivering honest result and transparency have always been the company’s prime strengths. To expand the high quality products available to farmers in the domestic and foreign markets alike.